Exploring the Unconscious: Arts, Science and the Humanities

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True Love As Love of Truth
Saturday, April 20, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Melanie Klein’s entire endeavor might be described as a rich and unwavering effort to allow love to come to the fore, or in Klein’s words, to extricate “love [from being] buried under hate” (Klein, 1934). From the very beginning of life until it’s end, we long for the mythical union with the other, which is based on a combination of moments of near-perfect harmony between mother and infant in early infancy and unconscious phantasies concerning an ideal connection and complete satisfaction (Klein, 1963). Simultaneously, there lies a whole set of aggression toward, anxieties of and defenses against the bad, frustrating object. The struggle and balance between these two attitudes are at the roots of true love. I shall address a few main factors that stand in the way of true love, and the psychological conditions which might enable love to last: The love for the ‘otherness’ of the other; facing the ethical challenge embedded in sexual lust; and above all and most prominent – the love of truth. A clinical example will illustrate the main ideas presented and the way they are explored in the analyst’s mind through projective identification and worked through within the analytic encounter.

Prof. Merav Roth (PhD) is a clinical psychologist, a training psychoanalyst and an interdisciplinary researcher of psychoanalysis and literature. - A teaching professor and the current founder and future chair of a culture-sensitive academic and clinical center in the University of Haifa. - The former head of the “Psychoanalytic psychotherapy program”; former founder and chair of Melanie Klein’s advanced studies; and former chair of the Interdisciplinary psychoanalytic Doctoral unit – all in the School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. - The scientific editor of various translated books of Klein and her successors into Hebrew: “Melanie Klein – Essential papers II” with J. Durban (Bookworm publishing house, 2013); Klein’s “Psychoanalysis of children” (Bookworm publishing house, 2022); Brenman Pick’s “Authenticity in the Psychoanalytic Encounter” (Carmel, 2021). - Roth wrote many psychoanalytic papers and chapters, including on the life and death instincts, on the interdisciplinary interface of psychoanalysis and literature and on trauma and bereavement. - Her first book in Hebrew (Carmel, 2017) was translated into English, titled “A psychoanalytic perspective on reading literature – Reading the reader” (Routledge, 2020). - Her (Hebrew) book “True love as the love of truth” was recently published (Alma publishing house, 2024).