Contact Form

To make an Offline Payment, please complete the form and mail a check to us.   Make sure the name on the check matches the name you entered in the form above or include your name on the Memo line of the check.  

Berkeley Psychoanalytic Society
100 Bay Place
Suite 1720
Oakland, CA 64610


New Members please tell use a bit about yourself. For example, what is your professional status, and some of your interests, or anything else you think we'd like to know.


The Berkeley Psychoanalytic Society is an interdisciplinary membership group of Bay Area psychoanalysts, clinicians, and academics meeting four times a year to study together at the intersection of psychoanalysis and culture. We are an independent, autonomous thinking group – we offer no formal psychoanalytic training. Speakers come to us as a springboard for intellectual discussion. The Berkeley Psychoanalytic Society (BPS) sponsors gatherings of people to come together to discuss and learn in an accepting, open and entirely civil environment. Though we come from disparate backgrounds, we share in common an invigorating hunger for ideas and links between them.

Open Doorway for Berkeley Psychoanalytic Society Membership